Devi in the road with a farming tool
Devi in the road with a farming tool
Betrawati, May 2005
Closer up
Devi in the road with a farming tool
Betrawati, May 2005
Closer up
Group of seven on their porch
Betrawati, May 2005
Closer up
Closer up on the six children
Closer up on those on the left
Closer up on those on the right
Sanjeev, Shankar, Sanam (all namaste’ing with their hands), Sujan, little Sabina, Durgadevi in red, little Sapana, Furku, Furba and Dipendra
Tupche, late 2002
Bijay’s mother and sister Reena
Betrawati, late 2002
Closer up
Pradeep, Durga and Santoshi
Tupche, late 2002
Closer up
Closer up
Closer up
Ujjwal and his grandmother, sitting on a bench
Tupche, 2000
Closer up
Three people on a covered porch and a man in a topi
Betrawati, October 25th, 2000
Closer up of the trio on the covered porch
Closer up of man standing
A couple among dried rice stalks
Betrawati, 2002
Sita with her grandson Sushant
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Maili and her granddaughter
Betrawati, May 25th 2005