Resting on the porch
Resting on the porch
Betrawati, May 2005
Resting on the porch
Betrawati, May 2005
Trio leaning on a fence
Betrawati, 2000
Closer up on the trio
Closer up on the man in the background
Three people on a covered porch and a man in a topi
Betrawati, October 25th, 2000
Closer up of the trio on the covered porch
Closer up of man standing
A couple among dried rice stalks
Betrawati, 2002
Modanath and Chhayadevi Lamichhane
Betrawati, November 2004
Guru in a topi
Betrawati, November 2002
Badri leaning on a wood pile
Betrawati, November 2002
Raju in a red shirt and light cap
Betrawati, November 2002
Betrawati, 2002
Betrawati, 2000