Jamuna sitting in front of a shop
Jamuna sitting in front of a shop
Betrawati, May 2005
Jamuna sitting in front of a shop
Betrawati, May 2005
Bath day
Betrawati, May 2005
Closer up
Closer up
Mother and child
Betrawati, May 2005
Closeup of Sadikshya in a plaid shirt
Tupche, late 2002
Bibash with his grandmother Harimaya
Tupche, late 2002
Closer up
Closer up
Rajip opening a pack of ramen
Tupche, 2000
Closer up
Child in the doorway
Betrawati, 2000
Closer up
Sakshee child standing by the main street
Betrawati, November 2000
Closer up
Closer up of the men and boy in the background
Rupa, in her Uttargaya school uniform
Betrawati, 2000
Amrit, Sanu and Sushmita
Betrawati, 2002