Group photo on the porch
Group photo on the porch
(including Gayatri, Binita, Gita, Bibisha, Manisha, Homkumari, Sabitri, Radhika, Kaushila, Kamana and Anjana)
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Group photo on the porch
(including Gayatri, Binita, Gita, Bibisha, Manisha, Homkumari, Sabitri, Radhika, Kaushila, Kamana and Anjana)
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Radhika, Anjana, Manisha, Sushant held by Nisha, and Reshna
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Kamana, Sushant and Reshna
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Sita with her grandson Sushant
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Group including Bibisha, Nisha, Anjana, Sushant, Ayush, Manju, Reshna, Sonu, Shriya, Karisha, Binita, Manisha, Karima, and Sujan
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Group photo including Parvati, Sushant, Nisha, Manisha, Anjana, Manju, Karisha, Reshna, Binita, Ayush and others
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Bibisha, Reshna (with a cast on her right arm) and Binita
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Reshna and her grandmother
Betrawati, November 2002
A quiet moment
Betrawati, 2011
Raya, Reshna in pea green top, Anita in red, and Ganesh
Baby Reshna and her mother
Mother and child
Betrawati, 2002