Dipinti and Yamuna walking from the shop
Dipinti and Yamuna walking from the shop
Betrawati, 2000
Closer up
Even more closer up
Dipinti and Yamuna walking from the shop
Betrawati, 2000
Closer up
Even more closer up
Siblings Sarita and Sunil and their friend Shruty sitting on the steps of Shree Ram mandir
Betrawati, 2000
Close up on the children, with Sarita on the left, Shruty on the right, and Sunil sitting behind
Archana with her two daughters, Nishani and Deepinti, two cousins Rasmita and Sushil, and their dog Dhoma
Betrawati, October 2000
Closer up. From left to right cousin Rasmeta, cousin Sushil, younger daughter Nishani, mother Archana, and elder daughter Deepinti (and Dhoma the dog)
From left to right on top of the wall:
Jiten (Sarmila’s brother), Sonam (Nishani’s older brother), Nishani, Deepinti (Nishani’s older sister), Dinesh (Sarmila’s “cousin brother”), Sarmila, Dipika (Nishani’s eldest sister), Yamuna (Nishani’s friend),
and Sunil (Sarmila’s “cousin brother”) on the ground in front.
(Thanks to Nishani for providing all the names!)
Group of children standing on and by a short rock wall
Betrawati, 2000
Sunil and Mahesh at a small shop
Betrawati, November 2002
Baby Sasmita
Betrawati, 2002