Rukmani with little Sudan, Rajendra, Sushmita and Saraswati, and little Rasmita in the background
Rukmani with little Sudan, Rajendra, Sushmita and Saraswati, and little Rasmita in the background
Betrawati, May 2005
Closer up
Closer up
Rukmani with little Sudan, Rajendra, Sushmita and Saraswati, and little Rasmita in the background
Betrawati, May 2005
Closer up
Closer up
Madhu in a blue shirt
Tupche, late 2002
Photos with students, last day at Uttargaya
Betrawati, 2000
Closer up on children
Closer up on children
Closer up on children
Closer up
Closer up of Gyan
Closer up
Closer up of Gagan Raj
Closer up
Closer up of Sujan
Closer up of Sudan