Anil by a haystack
Anil by a haystack
Betrawati, 2002
Anil by a haystack
Betrawati, 2002
Santosh on the left in the black shirt, and Ujjawal in the collared blue shirt
A quartet of friends on the bridge
Anjana and Aashis
Anjana, Aashis and Barsha playing “Go Fish”
Betrawati, October 29th, 2000
“Do you have an A’s?” –Anjana
Aashis and Anjana
Anjana and Barsha
Laxmi, Ramkrishna, Rajendra and others on the porch
Betrawati, 2000
Laxmi and Rajendra
Half in sunlight, half in shadow
(these two photos were taken with some people in direct sunlight and others in shadow.
So I scanned the photos twice;
once over-light to bring out the features of the people in shadow,
and another time over-dark to bring out the features of the people in direct sunlight)
Betrawati, 2000
Manju and Sujan
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Quartet of girls and boys
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
The old footbridge
Betrawati, May 25th 2005
Betrawati, May 25th 2005