Krisha and Sujata returning from the shop
Krisha and Sujata returning from the shop
Betrawati, 2000
Krisha and Sujata returning from the shop
Betrawati, 2000
Groups of friends above, group of friends below
Betrawati, 2000
Siblings Sanu and Arun swinging
Betrawati, 2000
Bathing at the tap, drying in the sun
Betrawati, 2000
Sarita, Sandip and Sangita
Sitting on the porch
Betrawati, 2000
Siblings Sarita, Achuta, Sushila, and Pramod
Betrawati, 2000
Closed for the holidays
Uttargaya Public English School
Betrawati, 2000
Inside a classroom
Looking out to the slide on the playground
The cooking and eating area
Two girls in kurtas along the road
Betrawati, 2000
Sarmila, Santoshi and little Samikchya
Betrawati, 2000
Trio walking across the bridge
Betrawati, 2000